Big Is Beautiful

Unlike the bigger the better cliche, small size has always had its unique philosophy. Such as the book; Small Is Beautiful. It's a collection of essays published in 1973 by economist E.F. Schumacher. Though a bit outdated, in any event it's truly a classic in ecological economics and Schumacher's visionary simplicity created a humanistic movement in the field by encouraging the reader to look for a deeper understanding of the world as well as sparked a revolution by calling for smaller scale technology to end poverty. If my memory serves me correctly; before Schumacher, in 1959 Richard Feynman suggested a variety of experiments and technologies that could be achieved at small scales in a lecture carrying the title There's Plenty Of Room At The Bottom. Well, today, thinking small has become fashionable and Nanotechnology stands for this fashion: Make it small; make it nano. Isn't it beautiful how simple nature is? Speaking for myself: No, not really. Don't misunderstand me. Occam's Razor has always been the logic of my reasoning and Keep It Simple Stupid is the way of my acting:) But good things don't always come in small packages! Besides small things please small minds:) I'm not talking about Rubenesque BBW/BHM neologism or any kind of feederism, I'm just talking about our detective aka Bigfoot. For those who may not know; Bigfoot was a screen name given to Goren by Eames to lure a suspect in the episode Kissinger (S07E15). I suppose, for a deeper understanding you should watch the episode Jones (S01E05) first. Recap: Robert Goren is a big man. TA-DA! He's not only gorgeous, he's every inch sexy. And those who still disagree, I'm writing 'Big Is Beautiful' on the board 1000 times for you! Big is beautiful, big is beautiful, big is beautiful, big is beautiful...

The Bigfoot (Please Don't Customize Your Settings!)